Enhance Your Career With Professional Coaching Skills

Become a professionally trained Internationally Certified 4D Transformative Coach,

accredited by the Certified Coaches Alliance (CCA)!

Join the next TCCP™ 100% Online

Registration is Open!

Do you know the difference between Leading, Managing and COACHING?

  • Are you a leader of others who is responsible for their effectiveness or ongoing development?

  • Do colleagues, customers or direct reports ever come to you for solutions to their problems?

  • Do you tend to engage others by giving answers rather than asking better questions?

  • Do you spend a lot of time "putting out fires" instead of innovating for the futures?

  • Do you sometimes struggle with change, especially when it requires the cooperation of others?

  • Would you being a professionally Trained and Certified Coach forward or enhance your career objectives?

Transformative Coaching™ is the combined artistic and scientific utilization of specific distinctions from existential and stoic philosophy along with the development of advanced communication skills using proven and proprietary models, frameworks and methologies for effective coaching.

  • Coaching Core Competencies

  • Existential Distinctions

    • One of the more unique aspects of the TCCP™ is the exploration and application of 16 key existential distinctions within social life based on the work of several philosophers, psychologists and other relevant social scientists.
    • The origins of these distinctions can be traced back to the writings of important thinkers throughout history including Epictetus, Kiekegaard, Heidegger, and Sartre as well as the seminal works of accomplished psychologists including Maslow, Jung, Skinner, Blanton and Haidt.
    • The conscientious study of their work allows for a much broader and deeper understanding of human life including social attitudes, behaviors and actions and the achievement of goals in modern society, and this learning gives leaders and coaches much greater clarity in recognizing and meeting the true desires and needs of clients and others.
  • Transformative Frameworks and Models

    • In addition to the exploration of key existential distinctions, the TCCP™ is grounded in the delivery and effective application of 17 behavioral frameworks and proven coaching models and methodologies of which 7 are the original creation of and are proprietary to 4D Associates International including: The 4D Relationship Model™, Human SPIN™, Transformative Coaching Flow™, 4D Personal Development Plan™, 4Q Questions Model™, FBID Feedback™, and The Source Continuum™.

Program Delivery

  • 20 Coach Training Modules

    Participate in virtual coach training classrooms pre recorded content to learn the most important concepts a methods for effective 4D Transformative Coaching; Includes 148 page Coach Training Manual; Via Zoom Video Conference. (35 hours total)

  • Coaching Real Clients


    Enhance your Transformative Coaching effectiveness by delivering 22 hours of individual / group coaching sessions (logged). Plus give and receive feedback from 2 recorded hours of practice coaching. (24 hours total)

  • Live Review Content & Coaching Sessions

    Participate in live 2 hour Coaching Conferences and Module Reviews delivered by a 4D Certified Master Coach to experience and witness the unique qualities of effective Transformative Coaching and Q&A sessions; Via Zoom Conference.

    (40 hours total)

  • Final Written Exam & Personal Coaching

    Verify your proficiency of key Transformative Coaching concepts and skills. This timed (2 hour) Exam is completed online by a specified due date. Upon passing, receive a 1 hour Personal Coaching Session with a 4D Certified Coach.

  • Educational 


    Complete readings, writing assignments, interviews, and video reviews as well as an online learning reinforcement tool (4D QStream™). Some assignments have specific due dates and related to a particular module while others are self-paced. (20 hours total)


  • Internationally 


    ​Upon verified completion of all program elements, you'll receive a 4D TCCP Diploma with an official Coaching Certification Number and dedicated webpage on the CCA website recognizing you as an Internationally Certified 4D Transformative Coach.

International Accreditation

Upon verified completion of all Program Elements, participants receive an official 4D TCCP™ Diploma including a CCA 4D Certification Number and dedicated webpage recognizing them as an Internationally Certified 4D Transformative Coach™ licensed for 2 years with the Certified Coaches Alliance (CCA), an independent body “dedicated to establishing and maintaining the highest levels of professionalism in coaching.” Certification status may be maintained by completing a 3-hour 4D Continuing Ed Module every 2 years, logging at least 4 hours of professional coaching within 6 months of re-certification and submitting a re-certification fee of $54 to the CCA.

What Our Clients, Coaches and Partners Have to Say:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a College degree?

Do I need a Certification to be a Coach?

Is the CCA a recognized accreditation as the ICF?

What's the title I will receive?

Is this Coaching Certification for Life or it must be renewed?

Are you going to provide clients for practice?

Francis Jay Caputo, M.S., CMC

Executive Director and Certified Master Coach

CEO and Certified Master Coach



You can also schedule an appointment with one of our extraordinary 4DCoaches to have a one on one conversation about any questions you have about our program.